Office 365

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Room Mailbox office365 powershell commands

Resource Mailbox is a type of Mailbox that is used for the management of Meeting Rooms and Equipment.
The Resource Mailbox do not require a license.
Management of Resource Mailbox can be done using following options:

Self-management – the Resource Mailbox will be configured for automation of accepting or decline meeting requests.
Resource Mailbox Delegate – The delegate is the person that will accept the meeting requests and approve or decline the meeting requests.

The resource Mailbox includes two types of Mailboxes – Room Mailbox and Equipment Mailbox.

1. Creating Room (Resource) Mailbox
PowerShell command Read the rest

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Add dLMemSubmitPerms powershell restrict users via AD Group to send emails to Email group

Add dLMemSubmitPerms powershell restrict users via AD Group to send emails to Email group

We set this attribute usign ADUC using attribute editor but sometimes we get dlmemsubmitperms there is no editor registered to handle this attribute type error which happens to first time when try to add this.

Import-module activedirectory

Set-ADObject “CN=TestEmailGroup,OU=DL,DC=Test,DC=com” -Add @{dLMemSubmitPerms=”CN=ADGroup,OU=Security Groups,DC=Test,DC=com”}

To get the distinguished name from Powershell we can use below command

(Get-ADGroup -Identity “Groupname”).DistinguishedName

Below are Attribute Names, Name in GUI, Explanation, names in Powershell (Set-DistributionGroup)

authOrig, Accept messages from , Only senders in the following list can … Read the rest

Clear2all Professional Blog new

Add Authorig powershell restrict users to send emails to Email group

Add Authorig powershell restrict users to send emails to Email group

Import-module activedirectory

Set-ADGroup -Identity “Test Group” -Add @{authOrig=@(‘CN=Test User,OU=Department,OU=People,DC=CONTOSO,DC=EDU’)}

To get the distinguished name from Powershell we can use below command

(Get-ADUser -Identity “Testuser”).DistinguishedName

Below are Attribute Names, Name in GUI, Explanation, names in Powershell (Set-DistributionGroup)
authOrig, Accept messages from , Only senders in the following list can send emails to this group if set, -AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom

dLMemSubmitPerms, same as above, see above but this accepts group, -AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers
unauthOrig, Reject messages from, Senders in the following list are not allowed to send emails to this group, -RejectMessagesFrom

dLMemRejectPerms, same as … Read the rest

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Restrict a Distribution List to internal users only

Restrict a Distribution List to internal users only

For restricting Distribution list to internal users only we need to set that attribute msExchRequireAuthToSendTo to TRUE in your on-premise AD environment and wait for DirSync to run.

This will make the DL in the Administration Center to untick the ‘allow external senders’ box on the DL’s and prevent any external senders from sending to those distribution lists.… Read the rest

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Add Calendar Permissions in Office 365 via Powershell using Add-MailboxFolderPermission

Add Calendar Permissions in Office 365 via Powershell using Add-MailboxFolderPermission

Step by Step Guide for setting calendar permissions in Office 365:

First step would be launch Powershell as Administrator.

Second would be to open a new PS Session on powershell to Exchange Online/Office 365 using below commands.

$GetCred = Get-Credential

$PSSession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $GetCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

Import-PSSession $PSSession

Now the last step is to configure the permissions for the user2 permissions on user1 calendar using below Powershell:

Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity\calendar -user -AccessRights Editor

These are the available permissions levels for above -AccessRights are

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Checking Exchange GUID while migrating mailbox Exchange to Office365

Checking Exchange GUID while migrating mailbox Exchange to Office365

Below commands can be really helpful while exchange 2010 to office 365 migration.

Below command to import the csv file with names and email addresses of users to be checked.

$CSV = Import-CSV C:\Temp\spotcheck.csv

Below command to display names, email addresses,GUID etc of users to be checked.

$CSV | foreach { get-mailuser -identity $_.mail | fl DisplayName, WindowsEmailAddress, PrimarySmtpAddress, RecipientType, ExternalEmailAddress, ExchangeGuid}

Below command to display names, email addresses,GUID etc of users to be checked exported to a csv file

$CSV | foreach { get-mailuser -identity $_.mail} | select DisplayName, WindowsEmailAddress, Read the rest

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Change UPN on Office365 manually using Powershell

Change UPN on Office365 manually using Powershell

In some circumstances the UPN changes on on-premise do not get updated to Azure/Office365. If you are syncing from your on-premise AD then updating the UPN in Azure using powershell is going to get overwritten the next time that your sync process runs but in a situation where its changed to correct value then it will just be replaced by same value. This manual process can be used for speeding up the change or making the change if sync is unsuccessful.

If I have understood the question correctly then by updating the UPN … Read the rest

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Restrict to send mail to Distribution List on Office365 using authOrig or dLMemSubmitPerms

Restrict to send mail to Distribution List using authOrig or dLMemSubmitPerms

This article explains on how to restrict who can send to a distribution list on office 365 or restrict who can send to a distribution list on Exchange 2010

Below is how to give user permission to send email to a distribution group using authOrig or dLMemSubmitPerms.

1. To give user permission to send email to a distribution group using AuthOrig to restrict sending email to a distribution group to individual users.

Below can not be done from Attribute editor from ADUC and its used for giving permissions to … Read the rest