Windows IT

Powershell Get-Eventlog Get-Process and Stop-Process commands

Get-EventLog We use PowerShell to parse your Server’s/computers event logs using the Get-EventLog cmdlet. There are several parameters available. Use…

3 years ago

15 Methods to fix windows error code 0xc00000e9

15 Methods to fix windows error code 0xc00000e9 Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 7 ... Windows error code 0xc00000e9 is…

4 years ago

Room Mailbox office365 powershell commands

Resource Mailbox is a type of Mailbox that is used for the management of Meeting Rooms and Equipment. The Resource…

6 years ago

Reset AD password force change for access denied issues

Reset AD password force change for access denied issues When you encounter access denied issues for a user account change…

7 years ago

Add dLMemSubmitPerms powershell restrict users via AD Group to send emails to Email group

Add dLMemSubmitPerms powershell restrict users via AD Group to send emails to Email group We set this attribute usign ADUC…

7 years ago

Add Authorig powershell restrict users to send emails to Email group

Add Authorig powershell restrict users to send emails to Email group Import-module activedirectory Set-ADGroup -Identity "Test Group" -Add @{authOrig=@('CN=Test User,OU=Department,OU=People,DC=CONTOSO,DC=EDU’)}…

7 years ago

Get Samaccountname from DisplayName using powershell active Directory

Get Samaccountname from DisplayName using powershell active Directory $names = get-content "C:\Users\vbokka\Desktop\user.txt" foreach ($name in $names) {Get-ADUser -filter { DisplayName…

7 years ago

Making a Security Group using Distribution group members in Powershell

Making a Security Group using Distribution group members in Powershell First lets get the list of users samaccountnames from Distribution…

7 years ago

Message Trace Office365 emails tracing Exchange online

Message Trace Office365 emails tracing Exchange online To trace a email when the email is delivered or not delivered, below…

7 years ago

Restrict a Distribution List to internal users only

Restrict a Distribution List to internal users only For restricting Distribution list to internal users only we need to set…

7 years ago

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