dlmemsubmitperms there is no editor registered to handle this attribute type

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Add dLMemSubmitPerms powershell restrict users via AD Group to send emails to Email group

Add dLMemSubmitPerms powershell restrict users via AD Group to send emails to Email group

We set this attribute usign ADUC using attribute editor but sometimes we get dlmemsubmitperms there is no editor registered to handle this attribute type error which happens to first time when try to add this.

Import-module activedirectory

Set-ADObject “CN=TestEmailGroup,OU=DL,DC=Test,DC=com” -Add @{dLMemSubmitPerms=”CN=ADGroup,OU=Security Groups,DC=Test,DC=com”}

To get the distinguished name from Powershell we can use below command

(Get-ADGroup -Identity “Groupname”).DistinguishedName

Below are Attribute Names, Name in GUI, Explanation, names in Powershell (Set-DistributionGroup)

authOrig, Accept … Read the rest