group membership

Clear2all Professional Blog new

Making a Security Group using Distribution group members in Powershell

Making a Security Group using Distribution group members in Powershell

First lets get the list of users samaccountnames from Distribution list

$List=Get-ADGroupmember DistributionlistName

Now create a empty Security group from Active Directory Users and Computers

Now lets add each of above user into a security group which is created from ADUC(Active Directory Users and Computers).

ForEach ($User in $List){Add-ADGroupMember -Identity SecurityGroupName -Member $User.samaccountname}

We can also use add members to distribution group powershell by this method of Add-ADGroupmember

We can also use powershell to add members to distribution group powershell or a Security group.


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Clear2all Professional Blog new

Copy Group memebership using PowerShell from one user to another

Copy Group memebership using PowerShell from one user to another

Run Powershell as administrator (wasted 1 hr figuring this out. It does not work if not run as admin)

Import-module activedirectory

Then below command which accepts samaccount name of both users

Get-ADUser -Identity copyfrom -Properties memberof | Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberof | Add-ADGroupMember -Members Copyto
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